1 season / 9 episodes (so far)
This hot new show from the mind of Ben Stiller is a futuristic workplace drama that stars Adam Scott as a grieving man who opts to “sever” his work life from his real life, allowing him to forget his troubles for 8 hours a day. But mysteries abound as to the real agenda behind his corporate bosses’ behavior in this intriguing new drama that’s Black Mirror crossed with Office Space. Bonus points for great performances from John Turturro and Christopher Walken.
***Emmy Winner***
2 seasons / 20 episodes (so far)
Star power goes a long way in this newsroom drama, starring Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon. The script is weaker than the concept, but the performances keep you watching.
***Emmy Winner***
TEHRAN (2020)
2 seasons / 16 episodes (so far)
A compelling thriller series about a Mossad agent assigned to a mission in Iran. A female spy in Iran is dramatic enough, but her mission is fraught with danger. Season 2 stars Glenn Close.