The true beauty of streaming, besides the seemingly endless abyss of content that it offers, is the depth and breadth of its content. First it was cable TV that extended the limitations of what we could watch on TV. Then came pay TV. Now, with streaming, content creators have been allowed to explore any genre, travel any realm, break from any traditional storytelling format. Gone are the days when shows were limited to the half-hour sitcom or the one-hour drama all in the same familiar format. Now, any show can be anything to anyone, each show with the same chance of being a hit with a huge following or finding a cult following with a niche audience.
When I watched Baby Reindeer on Netflix last year, I felt like I was watching something I would or could have never seen on mainstream television ten years ago. It was something so bold, so different, so fascinating and disturbing, which is probably why it became so culturally engaging. I literally couldn’t stop watching.
I felt the same with another show I just stumbled upon, called Such Brave Girls, which can be found on Hulu. This show will not find an audience the way Baby Reindeer did, that’s for sure, but it most definitely is a show I would never have found on mainstream television twenty years ago, probably not even ten or five years ago.