1 season / 7 episodes
The documentary series from acclaimed filmmaker Liz Garbus tells the true story of crime journalist Michelle McNamara’s obsessive pursuit of the elusive Golden State Killer, a serial murderer who terrorized California in the ‘70s and ‘80s. The film is a fascinating examination of tenacity, determination and obsession, as well as a truly terrifying portrait of the worst kind of evil imaginable. Don’t watch alone.
THE VOW (2020)
1 season / 9 episodes (so far)
This story about how self-improvement guru Keith Raniere convinced thousands of smart, capable people to fall for his con will mystify you, but it is the cult-like hold he had particularly over women that will truly fascinate yet nauseate. It’s so compelling to hear former believers tell how they got sucked into and gave a small fortune to the program Raniere created, called NXIVM, and their efforts to take him down are even more so. There is a companion series Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult on Starz, if you just can’t get enough, and the second season of The Vow is scheduled to premiere on October 17, 2022.